Name: Christi bCharron/b Rezz Day: October 20th, 2007. Created squad: December 9th, 2007. From: Fort Worth, Texas, USA ~~ Personality ~~ 'I'm all over the place, sometimes I'm as patient as anyone can be and other times I can be very ... If you could bvacation/b anywhere in the world, where would you go: Either Paris, France or Paris, Texas. Whichever one has broadband. * If I had a million dollars: I'd be on the run from the law! * Person you would most like to meet and why: ...
but it is a shame that in our day, when its been estimated that one million dollars are being spent on hotels for pesach, aside from all the mid-winter bvacations/b, that yeshivas are still struggling and need high tuitions in order to ...